Thursday, August 16, 2007


So we went to Suwa lake to see probably was the biggest fireworks in Japan.  It has about 42000? fireworks and lasts for 1 hour and 45 minutes.

K, so Masao told me that he was coming to my apartment at 530 to pick me up, and we would go to school to meet up with Miyuki and headed for Ena.  As some of you know, I wake up really early >"<  But, 530 is a little too early for me, so I set my alarm clock at 430 and get things ready.  However, soon after my struggle to try to get up, I got a call from Masao.  He told me he was already outside my apartment!!! O.o"  So apparently, he had mistakenly told me about the time, and we should have met at 430 >"<  I had to get into a frenzy mode, super drive to get everything ready and drove to Ena.  From Ena, Suwa lake was actually not all that far.

Boy was it hot!! we pretty much were waiting from 10am till 7pm.  The fireworks as a whole was really good.  BUT.... BUT.... BUT........  the gaps between the fireworks were kinda long, and they had some weird music.  ALSO......... the worst thing about the fireworks was that there was no FINALE!!! no finale whatsoever.  It was the most horrible, terrible that I've ever seen.

After the fireworks, Ehara san and Ari kun went to get the car, and we were planning to go to karaoke because if we had left, we would be ending up stuck on the road anyway.  However, it took them pretty much 2 hours to go back to the car and drove back.  o.O  YES, 2 hours!!  So, we just went home afterwards.  When I came back to my apartment, the whole area smelled like shit.  Man it was the worst smell I've smelt.  And it was SO MUGGY.  SO HOT and SO HUMID.

Anyway, suwa lake was pretty good, and I hope I can go again despite it was pretty tiring >"<

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