The teacher before me, Chris, came to Japan on Thursday, June 7th, 2007. We had a welcome party for him at Kani school. We cooked Okonomiyaki at school. Also, Friday was Masao's birthday, so we had a birthday party for him. Yumiko made "ero" pudding with plum on the top of the pudding for Masao. Ah~ "ero" japanese neh.....
I also saw Shiko and heard that she is getting married in November. CONGRATS!!! shiko~~!! Hopefully, she will have a merry, long-lasting marriage with her fiance. Well, not hopefully, I know it will.
People at the party include: Yumiko, Michael, Hiroshi, Kaoru, Asuka, Tazuko, Manami, Naru, Masao, Seiji, Shiko, and me.
We had this daikon salad. As you can see from the picture, Naru pretty much finished that big plate all by himself >"< It was pretty sick. Watching him finishing the daikon has made me full and want to throw up. @,@"
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